Cannabis Political Advocacy
Cannabis has been in use for thousands of years. A policy of prohibition started in the early twentieth century in the United States. This prohibition was codified in the current Federal Controlled Substance Act which places cannabis (aka marihuana) in Schedule One. This has been United States federal law since 1970.
Although a majority of Americans oppose this antiquated and irrational policy that ignores science, the Federal law continues in place that makes cultivation, possession and manufacturing of cannabis illegal. This Federal law complicates licensed cannabis businesses in numerous ways, such making banking services scarce, limiting access to Federal Courts (i.e., bankruptcy) and creating tax disadvantages through IRS code section 280E.
California has seen the benefits of a regulated cannabis industry and deemed cannabis business to be an essential service. But this policy is challenged by burdensome state regulations, delays in granting annual licenses and increased taxes. Industry growth is further restricted by local governments that maintain a policy of prohibition. For all these reasons, political advocacy is an important part of a cannabis business.
Our team is involved with political advocacy on all levels. We can advocate for an entrepreneurial project before a City Council meeting or in Sacramento. We have access to national, state and local cannabis advocacy groups to garner broad support for reasonable regulations that will benefit the cannabis consumer.