Contact Wicker Law Group

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    No Attorney-Client Relationship
    Although this website for Wicker Law Group and S. Edward Wicker (“Website”) may provide information concerning potential legal issues, it is not a substitute for legal advice from qualified counsel. You should not and are not authorized to rely on this Website as a source of legal advice. Your viewing of, access to or use of this Website does not create any attorney-client relationship between you and Wicker Law Group and S. Edward Wicker, (collectively, “Wicker Law Group”, “we”, or “us”).

    Please be further advised that making any inquiry through this Website, requesting a newsletter or email alerts or sending email or other correspondence to us or any attorney of Wicker Law Group will not create an attorney-client relationship. If you are not currently a client of Wicker Law Group, your email or other correspondence will not be privileged and may be disclosed to other persons. Unless and until Wicker Law Group has formally established an attorney-client relationship, as evidenced by a signed engagement agreement, please do not send any confidential information or any information that you would expect to be maintained in confidence. You understand that any sensitive and confidential information you send prior to the establishment of a formal attorney-client relationship may not be kept privileged or confidential.

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11440 W. Bernardo Court, Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92127



(760) 735-6100

Our Location